Hypothesis Testing Examples
Examples of Z-Tests, and 4 Different Types of T-Tests
This Excel file shows examples of implementing these tests in Excel - Z-Test, Paired T-Test, Single Variable T-Test, Two Sample T-Test with Equal Variance, and Two Sample T-Test with Unequal Variance.
All examples have the equations that you need to do them by hand, and the built in Excel functions that make it easy to implement with a single function.
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What You'll Get from This Free, Downloadable Excel File:
- A Z-Test Table, And a T-Test Table, and the functions to make your own in Excel.
- A Z-Test Example
- A Single Variable T-Test Example
- A Paired T-Test Example
- A Two Variable T-Test Example with Equal Variance
- A Two Variable T-Test Example with Unequal Variance
- All examples are demonstrated from the equations to do the work by hand, and the Excel functions that do the work in a single step
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